"Silent John" offers us an indication of what SK's own posture will be with regard to the subject, one that is simple on the surface but richly complex at its heart. How is Kierkegaard’s understanding of Abraham different from other common understandings, according to Johannes? An analysis of Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. Jot down your thoughts about what Kierkegaard means by the "teleological suspension of the ethical." Faith is described as a series of “movements.” What are these two movements and what are the implications of using the language of “movements” to describe faith? Kierkegaard's point in Fear and Trembling is not to recommend blind faith in God, but to unsettle his readers' blind faith in themselves. Why or why not? The ethical as such is the universal, it applies to everyone, and the same thing is expressed from another point of view by saying that it applies every instant. Be sure to include the differences among these concepts in your notes. “The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who … Fear and Trembling: The Religious and the Ethical – Kierkegaard Fear and Trembling is a thrilling and enthralling book as well as a great introduction to Kierkegaard, it is also relatively short at around 200 pages (Either/Or and Stages on Life’s Way are around 800 pages long!) Read Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. This religious plane is only accessible to those with faith, who can, if called by God, reject universal ethics and achieve a direct relationship with God. Is there a place for reason and reasoned argument within Kierkegaard's view of life? Fear and Trembling Writing under the pseudonym of "Johannes de Silentio," Kierkegaard discusses the story from the Bible, Genesis 22:1-18, of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac. When is the leap of faith necessary, according to Kierkegaard? What seems to be the relationship between faith and absurdity? Early in the Trojan Wars, Agamemnon, a Greek king, must sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease the gods for safe passage to Troy. Does your understanding of Abraham differ from Kierkegaard’s? Centrally, Abraham does not speak to his wife, Sarah, or to his son, Isaac, during the ordeal. How necessary is God for Kierkegaard’s philosophy? In his last section Jon Stewart proceeds to the analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's Notebooks 8-15 (1841-1843) and passes on to Either/Or, Johannes Climacus and Fear and Trembling … It is important when reading the work of a philosopher such as Kierkegaard to understand how he uses certain words. After establishing Abraham as a lens to investigate an existentialist philosophy, Kierkegaard raises questions intended to provoke further thought on the concepts of anxiety, absurdity, and individualism. Are the two concepts at odds with each other? Given that Søren Aabye Kierkegaard is considered to be the father of Existentialism, it only made sense that as I explore the connections between this philosophical theory and project management, I begin with one of his more famous works, ‘ Fear and Trembling ’. 2.3: Kierkegaard's Idea of the Sickness unto Death, 2.4: Kierkegaard's Concepts of Subjectivity and Becoming, 3.1: Dostoevsky on the Problem of Freedom, 3.3: Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground", 4.4.1: The Social Construction of Morality, 4.4.4: Resentment as the Ground for Morality, 4.5: Nietzsche's Idea of Eternal Recurrence, 5.1: Heidegger, Catholicism, and Phenomenology, 5.2.1: 'Dasein' and the Ontological Question, 6.2.2: "Existentialism Is a Humanism" (1945), 6.3: Sartre's Idea that "Existence Precedes Essence", 6.4.2: Sartre's Critique of Mass Society: "Hell Is Other People", 7.2.1: The Importance of the Social Sphere, 7.3: de Beauvoir's Feminist Existentialism, 7.3.3: The "Feminine" Is a Social Construction, 7.3.4: de Beauvoir's Applied Existentialism, 8.1: Camus' Philosophy Through Literature, http://web.archive.org/web/20150905063343/http://www.religion-online.org/showbook.asp?title=2068, ◄ Dr. Walter Kaufmann's "Kierkegaard and the Crisis in Religion", Mark Linsenmayer et al. In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard wanted to understand the anxiety that must have been present in Abraham when God commanded him to offer his son as a human sacrifice. What follows are excerpts from Soren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling: Problem 1…. According to universal ethical norms, Kierkegaard writes, “Abraham is a murderer,” and “Abraham is lost.” However, Kierkegaard attempts to establish an ethical plane superior to the universal, by which Abraham is saved as a Knight of Faith. Rooted in philosophy, it became something of an aesthetic movement in the mid- to late twentieth century (stereotypically associated with black ... • Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard (Penguin) Note: Please read from two more paragraphs of “Problem I” (“Therefore, though Abraham arouses my admiration, he at the same time appalls me ... by virtue of being the particular individual”). Kierkegaard identifies these competing ethical codes (between family and state, for example,) as a spiritual trial, and identifies Agamemnon as a tragic hero. So soon as I talk I express the universal, and if I do not do so, no one can understand me. Then consider the following questions. Soren calls this event a paradox, as well as many other scenarios in the Holy Bible. To speak would be to justify his actions through recourse to a universal ethic, whereas Abraham is a Knight of Faith and necessarily exists outside of an ethical plane. Answer the following questions: Why is Abraham so willing to do this? Have you ever done something that you cannot explain? I can walk about existence on my head; but the next thing I cannot do, for I cannot perform the miraculous, but can only be astonished by it.”. As you read and take notes, answer the following questions, focusing on Chapters 3 through 5: What is the distinction that Kierkegaard draws between the aesthetic and the ethical?What does Kierkegaard mean when he says "for religion is the only power which can deliver the aesthetical out of its conflict with the ethical"? What does Kierkegaard mean when he claims that he “cannot weep for Abraham”? Have you ever been required to give up something important to you? It is not an exaggeration to say that Fear and Trembling (1843) is Kierkegaard's most difficult work to interpret. “Generally people are of the opinion that what faith produces is not a work of art, that it is coarse and common work, only for the more clumsy natures; but in fact this is far from the truth. Fear and Trembling (Penguin Great Ideas) User Review - Not Available - Book Verdict. Examine Caravaggio’s painting, Infinite resignation: The capacity and willingness to give up what one holds dearest and to be reconciled to that loss, Faith: Confidence or trust in God or the Divine despite empirical evidence to the contrary, Finite and infinite:  Limited and unlimited measurements, Absurd: That which cannot be explained, or made intelligible, by reason or science. He claims that the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son for God, found in Genesis 22, has long been exalted as a story that epitomizes faith. How does Kierkegaard justify Abraham's behavior? Fear and Tremblin Factor. How is Abraham’s situation different from Agamemnon’s? In order to do so, Kierkegaard centers his existential exploration of Christianity on the figure of Abraham, who is called by God in Genesis 22 to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Yet, the reception of Kierkegaard’s criticisms did not possess the same historic weight as the founders of the Reformation such as Martin Luther and Jean Calvin. What does the phrase “teleological suspension of the ethical” mean? He is regarded as a leading pioneer of existentialism and one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th Century. What might Kierkegaard’s philosophy suggest about that struggle? ... 'Fear and Trembling' - Preamble from Heart III download. Do you ever find yourself in a serious situation with no clear right answer? Could you, or would you, make such a leap? :) If you have any questions, leave a comment. For Abraham this meant that believing that God would make him a leader of a chosen people. In his book Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard conflated Abraham’s intentions with his motivations. Believing something that is absurd technically means believing two contradictory ideas at the same time. However, Kierkegaard repeatedly writes that "Abraham wanted to murder Isaac [sic]." The course will be organized around various attempts to reinterpret the Judeo/Christian God, and to determine in what sense, if at all, such a God is still a living God. Kierkegaard defines faith as “paradox” by which “the particular is higher than the universal.” This paradox leads Abraham, by virtue of the absurd, to the plane of faith. Johannes mentions the infinite and the finite. How does this notion of faith differ from others notions you have encountered? Do you consider yourself a person of faith (of any sort)? Join us next week, where contestants will be commanded by God to kill their children, and they will have to grapple with the doubt that it isn't God at all, because there is a chance it might just be our producers trying to stir up drama for ratings. The philosophy of Kierkegaard's Denmark was overwhelmingly dominated by the thought of G. W. F. Hegel. Is Kierkegaard correct in suggesting that Abraham is not a murderer? Read Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. Do you feel satisfied by Kierkegaard’s definition of it? Because Abraham enters a plane of faith beyond universal ethics, he is unable to justify his actions to others. What does Kierkegaard gain by employing such language? Is there a place for reason and reasoned argument within Kierkegaard's view of life? Abraham’s motive was to serve God. What does your research teach you about how philosophic discourse does and doesn’t create change in society? Johannes says of Abraham that, “He believed by virtue of the absurd.” What does Johannes mean by that? I am able to make from the springboard the great leap whereby I pass into infinity, my back is like that of a tight-rope dancer, having been twisted in my childhood, hence I find this easy; with a one-two-three! Johannes compares his hypothetical response to God to Abraham’s. This question of communication and justification highlights the difference between Abraham and Agamemnon, who, like Abraham, was called to sacrifice his child. 's "Kierkegaard on the Self" ►. The argument you make seems to be focused on the paradox of logic, which is something I also considered while reading F&T. He hoped to problematize what he felt were overly simplistic and uncritical interpretations of Christianity. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Fear and Trembling. Why is faith so amazing and rare, according to Kierkegaard? LeaXR53 rue Roger Simon77260 REUIL EN BRIEFRANCE. Kierkegaard published Fear and Trembling in 1843. Rejecting Hegel’s universalism, Kierkegaard posits the existence of a religious plane that surpasses universal ethics. Fear and Trembling is his most compelling and popular work and is heralded as a benchmark in twentieth century philosophy. The Dominant Ethical Paradigm. Be sure to include the differences among these concepts in your notes. As in the passage quoted above, the narrator Johannes de Silentio speaks directly to us. Criticism is mixed with regards to this particular writing of Kierkegaard. Abraham, on the other hand, has no recourse to ethics, and is unable to justify the sacrifice of Isaac through any ethical argument. Why might that be the case? Research Kierkegaard’s reception and impact on Christianity in Copenhagen. He hoped to problematize what he felt were overly simplistic and uncritical interpretations of Christianity. Kierkegaard rejects abstracted narratives of Abraham’s sacrifice (such as interpreting the ordeal as a parable of faith) and guides the reader to reckon with Abraham’s anxiety. He is often called the “father of existentialism” for his exploration of anxiety and absurdity. Is it fair or just to hold everyone to the same universal ethical norms? The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kierkegaard and Fear and Trembling examines the major themes that arise in this classic work of religious and existential philosophy. Agamemnon’s role as king supersedes his role as father. While Kierkegaard does highlight Abraham’s faith, this faith is quite unlike more popularly accepted understandings of the term. Review the story of Abraham in Genesis 22. How did you handle the situation? * Lauren Links and Wilson Taylor, the authors of this Launchpad, were 2014 NEH Summer Scholars in the Existentialism Seminar for Schoolteachers directed by Thomas Wartenberg. “If man were a beast or … hink about Abraham's decision to sacrifice his son. “Abraham cannot be mediated, and the same thing can be expressed also by saying that he cannot talk. Key works: Either/Or (1843), Fear and Trembling (1843), Concluding Unscientific Postscript (1846), The Sickness Unto Death (1849) Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900): The devout son of a Lutheran minister in Prussia, Nietzsche eventually broke with the church to become one of its staunchest critics and another founding father of existentialism. What other examples, including from literature, can you think of where this split between the individual and society might manifest itself? In this confrontation, he … Do you consider yourself a person of faith (of any sort)? Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio - Soren Kierkegaard - Google Books. Here there can be no question of a teleological suspension of the ethical.”. I don't fully agree with your take on it because it seems to turn into an argument about semantics. The story of Abraham and Isaac has caught the attention of some of the greatest visual artists of the 17th century, such as Caravaggio and Rembrandt. This is probably the most important quote from the book: Fear and Trembling is a novel that provides the reader with a view into a different culture. Hegel's philosophy was based on the dialectic, a process according to which two opposing concepts--a thesis … Also do the following: Think about Abraham's decision to sacrifice his son. For Agamemnon, the sacrifice of Iphigenia is a question of competing notions of right and responsibility. How does Kierkegaard justify Abraham's behavior? In this excerpt, our narrator Johannes de Silentio attempts to address misconceptions about the story of Abraham in order to properly redefine faith. To differentiate it from severe anxiety, this more common form is sometimes called “angst” or “existential anxiety”, and rather than attempting to alleviate it Soren Kierkegaard considered it an indispensable ingredient in a life lived to full potential. I just finished my second read of Fear and Trembling and I must say you did a beautiful job summarizing Kierkegaard. Could you, or would you, make such a leap? Phil 7: Existentialism in Literature and Film - Spring 2006. For this deed, Abraham is normally acknowledged as the father of faith, but in this day and age, Johannes remarks, no one is content with faith. He is remembered for his philosophy, which was influential in the development of 20th century existentialism. Fear and Trembling is about the sacrifice taken place in Genesis regarding Abraham (whom he calls the father of faith) and Isaac. Johannes assents that it does exemplify faith but contends that the true meaning of faith has been lost on Christian readers. What are potential problems with Kierkegaard’s teleological suspension of the ethical? Christians misunderstand the tale in one of two ways. Kierkegaard is critical of contemporary understandings of Christianity, and in doing so he follows a two-hundred-year lineage of dissent within Protestant churches. He makes reference to this in order to espouse his belief that faith should not be a matter taken lightly, but a very serious endeavor for which much thought and consideration is given. The dialectic of faith is the finest and most remarkable of all; it possesses an elevation, of which indeed I can form a conception, but nothing more. “If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a … The conflation between motivation and intention resulted in the paradox, the premise of the book, in which Kierkegaard writes hi… Kierkegaard published Fear and Trembling in 1843. When God told Abraham to kill his son, in Genesis Chapter 22, Abraham intended to obey God. A Belgian girl working in corporate Japan, shows the difference between eastern and western cultures. He lets one expression of the ethical find its telos in a higher expression of the ethical; the ethical relation between father and son, or daughter and father, he reduces to a sentiment which has its dialectic in the idea of morality. This line, from Philippians 2:12, is the verse that Kierkegaard alludes to in his Fear and Trembling . What seems to be the primary difference between his and Abraham’s response to God? Why or why not? Fear And Trembling Themes. Abraham had a choice to complete the task or to forget it. Rather than a genteel piety within a culture of Christendom, Kierkegaard understands Abraham’s faith as highly isolating, anxiety-ridden, and rationally absurd. I think I enjoy it anyway. Jot down your thoughts about what Kierkegaard means by the "teleological suspension of the ethical." First, I will examine what Sartre means by anguish. Kierkegaard calls this test of faith and lack of ethical recourse an ordeal. When is the leap of faith necessary, according to Kierkegaard? Write down definitions for Kierkegaard's notions of "the aesthetical," "the ethical," and "the religious" as they are used in Chapters 3 through 5. How did you feel? This Launchpad uses the freely available Walter Lowrie translation of Fear and Trembling from Religion Online. What seems to be the relationship between them? I can now say that I have read Fear and Trembling by 19th century Danish philosophy Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), and I managed to understand enough to be forced into thought. What does Kierkegaard mean when he says "for religion is the only power which can deliver the aesthetical out of its conflict with the ethical"? The following terms represent key concepts in his argument. Fear and Trembling - Ebook written by Soren Kierkegaard. This is important because it illustrates a new taboo culture to western audiences. What makes Abraham a "knight of faith," according to Kierkegaard? Agamemnon, despite his sorrow, can justify the sacrifice as necessary for the well-being of his nation. Alastair Hannay is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oslo. Written by an international team of contributors, this book offers a fresh set of interpretations of Fear and Trembling, which remains Kierkegaard's most influential and popular book. How might one reconcile Kierkegaard’s conception of individual faith with the needs of society? Can his philosophy be useful from an atheistic perspective? The books are fairly no frills, but the price isn�t bad. How does this help us understand faith? Abraham’s decision, which violates the abstract and collective law of man, is not made in arrogance, but in “fear and trembling,” one of the inferences being that sometimes, one must take an exception to the general law because he is (existentially) an exception; an individual whose existence can never be completely controlled by any universal law. What might be some problems with this understanding of faith? Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Please read from two more paragraphs of “Problem I” (“Therefore, though Abraham arouses my admiration, he at the same time appalls me ... by virtue of being the particular individual. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Knight of faith: An individual who makes the leap of faith, Ethics:  A widely accepted code of moral behavior and conduct, Ordeal: The experience of being tested by God, Individual: A particular unique person or thing. What does Kierkegaard mean by faith? How did you feel? As you read and take notes, answer the following questions, focusing on Chapters 3 through 5: What is the distinction that Kierkegaard draws between the aesthetic and the ethical? Movements: There are two stages in the development of faith; first of all, infinite resignation followed by the leap of faith. Why does Abraham’s situation require faith? Either it is seen merely as a story of Abraham’s great love, which overlooks the absurdity and anxiety of Abraham’s actions, or Abraham is simply understood as exceptional and beyond us. I admire him more than all other men”). FEAR AND TREMBLING is written, putatively, by Johannes de silentio, SK's persona. Based in Copenhagen, Kierkegaard wrote prolifically in an effort to revive the Christian faith among Europeans and also explored aesthetics, ethics, and social criticism. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (/ ˈ s ɒr ə n ˈ k ɪər k ə ɡ ɑːr d / SORR-ən KEER-kə-gard, also US: /-ɡ ɔːr /-⁠gor; Danish: [ˈsœːɐn ˈkʰiɐ̯kəˌkɒˀ] (); 5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855) was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, and religious author who is widely … Therefore if Abraham would express himself in terms of the universal, he must say that his situation is a temptation (Anfechtung), for he has no higher expression for that universal which stands above the universal which he transgresses.”. If you are not familiar with the biblical story of Abraham and the binding of Isaac, it is recommended that you read Genesis 22  available through the King James Version on Project Guttenberg. How does this compare to that of Luther or Calvin? Why did you need to give it up? In this excerpt Kierkegaard offers us a more thorough and robust concept of faith as he presents Johannes’ awe of Abraham. I enjoy it because I have assignments that ask me to define an existential paradox. Through these questions, Kierkegaard continues to guide the reader into a more immediate apprehension of the anxiety of Abraham. Why? By comparing and contrasting how they portray the emotion of anguish – specifically, in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Sartre’s The Humanism of Existentialism ‘ we see another example of the two agreeing on some principles while disagreeing on others. Why were you unable to explain it? Kierkegaard regularly wrote under pseudonyms, and Fear and Trembling is no exception. What is infinite resignation and how does it differ from faith? The tragic hero still remains within the ethical. Answer the following questions: Why is Abraham so willing to do this? How so? All readings will be cited from this source. The use of that persona gives SK a certain amount of distance from the subject and provides a modulated tone. Note: The excerpt begins in Chapter 2: Preliminary Expectoration, the 13th paragraph, which begins with “But really is everyone in my generation capable of making the movements of faith,” and ends with “despise … to Philistinism.”. “The difference between the tragic hero and Abraham is clearly evident. The central distinction between Abraham and Agamemnon lies in their anxiety surrounding the sacrifice and their justification of the act, both to themselves and to others. Existentialism perhaps more than any other movement in philosophy has captured and continues to hold sway over the public imagination. The story of Abraham begin at Genesis 12 and continues to Genesis 25. 18.6M . This year�s crop of Penguin "Great Ideas" volumes offers another eclectic dozen works that shaped society from the ancient Greeks to the 20th century. Infinite resignation and how does this notion of faith necessary, according to Kierkegaard says... 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