} var req_quiz_count_quests = null; var form_name = 'quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id; jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container').style.display = ''; try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} var i_id; var kol_main_elems = 0; is_do_feedback++; } 1. case '1': try { jq_GetQuestionData(response.getElementsByTagName('question_data')[i], i); } else { return false; } question_template = '
'; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('prev_next'); setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); if (timer_style == 1 && max_quiz_time > 0 && max_quiz_time != 3600000) { quiz_cont.innerHTML = '
' + quiz_results; break; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('continue_finish'); ShowMessage('error_messagebox_quest'+questions[n].cur_quest_id, 1, mes_complete_this_part); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); case 'next_last': var jq_task2 = '' if (qform == 1) { return false; var res = TRIM_str(blank_item.value); 20. case 'clear': try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} function jq_QuizContinueFinish() { } setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); } else { } } else { break; if (prev_correct == '1') { // correct answer if (is_prev && is_last) jq_jQuery('#jq_quiz_container1').addClass('jq_ajax_loader'); var div_inside_hs = document.createElement("div"); if(fact_blank_count != blank_count){ jq_jQuery('div#ddiv'+questions[i].cur_quest_id+'_'+j).mouseup(function(event){ setTimeout("jq_QuizContinueFinish()", 1000); ShowMessage('error_messagebox', 1, 'A problem with the server request occurred'); var quiz_cont = jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container'); http_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); is_last = true; jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container').style.display = ''; return false; if(path_elems.length){ if (!questions[n].disabled) { English Reading Passages category includes free online quizzes on English reading passages tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. Biscuit-makers both in Europe and Latin America have not done _____ hoped. 25. } for(i=1;i max_quiz_time - 3) { if (jq_quiz_c_cont) { jq_quiz_c_cont.style.visibility = 'hidden'; jq_quiz_c_cont.style.display = 'none';} var complete = true; } 3. case 'prev': redirect_url = response.getElementsByTagName('quiz_redirect_url')[0].firstChild.data; quiz_cont.style.display = ''; var call_code = jq_getObj('call_code').value; http_request.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); ShowMessage('error_messagebox_quest'+questions[n].cur_quest_id, 1, mes_complete_this_part); '+check_name); try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} CHOOSE THE THE OPTION THAT FITS THE SENTENCE ,WRITE A LETTER IN THE BOX English Exercises > adverbs exercises. jq_jQuery(quest_blank).removeClass('blank_incorrect'); answer = answer + questions[n].answ_ids[questions[n].ids_in_cont[i]] + '```'; if (questions[i].cur_quest_type == 4) { function check_Blank(id, value){ } } task_container = jq_SubmitButton('jq_QuizNextFinish()', 'FINISH')+ case '8': answer = answer.substring(0, answer.length - 3); case 'results': The company I work for offered me to choose between a better salary and a flat in the city centre and I chose ____. if(http_request.responseXML.documentElement == null){ jq_UpdateTaskDiv('review_next'); If loading fails, click here to try again, This fourth gap fill test contains 25 multiple choice questions on the topic of. case '8': case '3': } if (qform == 1) { Copyright © 2020 Language Avenue. for(i=1;i
"; break; var is_do_feedback = 0; return; } setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); } null; this.cur_quest_type = ''; alert("Please enter a correct e-mail address"); var custom_info = ''; div_inside.innerHTML = response.getElementsByTagName('quiz_statistic')[0].firstChild.data; answer = URLencode(answer); } clearInterval(quest_timer); ShowMessage('error_messagebox_quest'+questions[n].cur_quest_id, 1, mes_question_is_misconfigured); div_inside_hs.style.position = 'relative'; var mes_loading = ''; English Level Tests A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Multiple Choice Questions for Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Levels, Online English Grammar Tests with Answers for Free – English Grammar Tests Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Level, A1 A2 Level Grammar Tests, Exercises Free Online English Tests Quizzes, A2 B1 Level Grammar Tests, Exercises Free Online English Tests Quizzes. } } if(call_code == '') { break; jq_jQuery('')[0].src = this; answer = 0; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next_last', skip_question); jq_jQuery(quest_blank).addClass((is_correct? try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container_title'));} catch(e) {} jq_CreateQuestions(); Exercises to practise their meaning and their spelling. jq_UpdateTaskDiv('finish'); jq_jQuery('#jq_current_memory_point').remove(); if (answer) { DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct preposition or adverb. http_request.send(jq_clean_amp(lp_url_prefix2 + url)); case '6': jq_getObj('jq_time_tick_container').innerHTML = mes_time_is_up; ShowMessage('error_messagebox', 1, mes_please_wait); if (!jq_Check_selectRadio('quest_choice', 'quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id)) { ShowMessage('error_messagebox_quest'+questions[n].cur_quest_id, 1, mes_complete_this_part); answer = jq_Check_MQuestions_slist(questions[n].cur_quest_id, 'quest_choice'); questions[i].ids_in_cont = new Array(questions[i].kol_drag_elems); // what div id's in containers var qform = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.c_qform.value')); var quiz_blocked = 0; break; for (i=0; i'; answer = jq_Check_valueItem('quest_match', 'quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id); task_container = jq_NextButton('jq_QuizNextOn()', 'CHECK YOUR ANSWERS'); if(typeof jq_jQuery == 'undefined' && jQuery){ jq_processFeedback('prev_first', 0, skip_question); English Tenses Tests category includes free online quizzes on verb tenses: simple, past, future tenses, mixed tenses tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. var blank_item = eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'["quest_blank_"+'+i+']'); var complete = true; var div_inside = jq_getObj('jq_feed_questions'); // *** end of DRAG'and'DROP CODE *** // this.kol_drag_elems = 0; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next', skip_question); setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); var cur_quest_type = ''; ShowMessage('error_messagebox', 1, mes_please_wait); } } This quiz will test your ability and improve your skills with the position of adverbs in English sentences. } var is_prev = parseInt(response.getElementsByTagName('is_prev')[0].firstChild.data); Online English Vocabulary Tests with Answers fro Free – English Vocabulary Tests for Beginner, Elementary, Advanced – Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, Elementary Vocabulary Tests – Easy Beginner Level English Vocabulary Tests for Starters, Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Tests Multiple Choice Questions With Answers – Online Exercises, Quizzes, Intermediate Vocabulary Tests Multiple Choice Questions With Answers – Online Exercises, Quizzes, Upper Level Vocabulary Tests – Difficult English Vocabulary Tests With Multiple Choice Questions, Advanced Vocabulary Tests – Advanced English Vocabulary Exercises, Online Quizzes, Everyday Vocabulary Tests – Daily English Vocabulary Exercises, Quizzes. jq_jQuery('#jq_penalty_memory_point').remove(); feed_task = 'continue_finish'; feedback_quest_id = feedback.getElementsByTagName('feedback_quest_id')[0].firstChild.data; } var jq_task = 'next'; If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. } break; if (task == 'preview_finish') { Adjectives vs adverbs of manner . var redirect_url = ''; return; } allow_attempt = feedback.getElementsByTagName('quiz_allow_attempt')[0].firstChild.data; task_container = jq_StartButton('jq_StartQuizOn()', 'Start'); if (plus_sec < 0) { plus_sec = plus_sec*(-1); } var qform = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.c_qform.value')); var quest_timer_sec_tmp = quest_timer_sec; answer = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.quest_choice.value')); } 'blank_correct': 'blank_incorrect')); for(var j=0;j'); // jq_QuizContinueFinish //if (text.indexOf( '%u', 0 ) >= 0) var tItem = eval('document. for(var j=0;j 0) && (questions[n].ids_in_cont[i] <= questions[n].kol_drag_elems) ) { break; The economic downfall of the U.S. has affected many countries and Haiti is one of _____ one. if (timer_sec > 1) { Menu. '+item_name); } function jq_NextButton(task, text) { var qform = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.c_qform.value')); blank_id = response.getElementsByTagName('quest_blank_id')[0].firstChild.data; The report benchmarks the number of annual deaths caused globally by pollution from marine vessels, with coastal regions in Asia and Europe ______. } if (parseInt(past_time)) { jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next'); mas_ans[i] = 0; jq_MakeRequest('&ajax_task=email_results&quiz=54&stu_quiz_id='+stu_quiz_id+'&email_address='+user_email_to,0); var cont_index = 0; } else { answer = jq_Check_MQuestions_slist(questions[n].cur_quest_id, 'quest_choice'); var cur_quest_score = 0; } alert("Please enter a correct e-mail address"); 24. try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container_title'));} catch(e) {} for (i = 0; i
' + task_container; } else { if (task == 'finish') ShowMessage('error_messagebox_quest'+questions[n].cur_quest_id, 1, mes_complete_this_part); case '10': return false; jq_jQuery('.jq_quest_time_past').html('Time left to answer this question: ' + time_str + ':' + quest_time_str2); redirect_url = redirect_url+''; Error Correction - Conditionals Find the errors in these sentences that contain all forms of conditionals. alert('Define User Surname, please! divv.className = className; return false; selItem[i].disabled = ''; function jq_StartQuizOn() { } quiz_cont.innerHTML = '
'; } else { Adverbs of frequency in English- grammar exercises online. Word order with the adverbs of frequency - Exercise 1. } } else { } jq_MakeRequest(url, 1); } var selItem = eval('document.'+form_name+'. } http_request.open("POST", jq_clean_amp(post_target), true); return false; redirect_url = redirect_url.replace("javascript:", ""); } catch (e) {} } else if (is_last) { null; if(document.getElementById('jq_user_email') && document.getElementById('jq_user_email').value == ''){ case '1': setTimeout("jq_Continue_TickTack()", 1000); } jq_getObj('jq_time_tick_container').innerHTML = '00:01 of ' + max_quiz_time/60 + ':00'; } else if (skip_question && !is_last && !skip_type) { var qform = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.c_qform.value')); } ''; Download full-size image from Pinterest . if (time_str.length == 1) time_str = '0'+time_str; case '2': var blank_item = eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'["quest_blank_"+'+i+']'); Types of exercise: Multiple Choice , Fill in the word , Select from Drop Down . Don’t speak loudly. jq_jQuery(".jq_blank_droppable").droppable("destroy"); Word order with the adverbs of frequency - Exercise 2. jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next', skip_question); } else { user_email_to = jq_email_cont.value; if (!re_email.test(jq_email_cont.value)) { } This online grammar lesson is suitable for advanced-level students of English. if ( (questions[n].ids_in_cont[i] > 0) && (questions[n].ids_in_cont[i] <= questions[n].kol_drag_elems) ) { } else { answer = ''; } switch (questions[n].cur_quest_type) { break; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('continue_finish'); if (timer_style == 2 && max_quiz_time > 0 && max_quiz_time != 3600000) { Cloze Tests category includes free online quizzes on cloze tests passages tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. if (!is_do_feedback) { var return_arr = new Array; null; _____ the danger of a particular insurgency is recognized, _____ likely it is that the military intervention will have to be considered. questions[i].cont_index = 0; var plus_sec = timer_sec_tmp - (timer_min*60); var blank_count = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.blnk_cnt.value')); break; case '9': try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} Adverbs Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 24 This exercise is an advanced level multiple choice test with multiple choice questions on adverbs … null; break; try { English Modal Verbs Tests category includes free online quizzes on modality: present, continuous, perfect modals tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. jq_MakeRequest('&ajax_task=email_results&quiz=54&stu_quiz_id='+stu_quiz_id+'&email_address='+user_email_to,0); Task No. break; } else { complete = false; } Think about whether you want to quit this job. } function jq_CreateQuestions() { if (!complete) { Situational Expression Tests category includes free online quizzes on situational expressions tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. task_container = task_container + ''; 6. document.getElementById('jq_user_surname').value : ''; if (timer_min < 0) { timer_min = timer_min*(-1); } user_unique_id = req_user_unique_id; if (task == 'finish') var saved_prev_res_data = ''; } var quiz_count_quests = 0; jq_MakeRequest('&ajax_task=check_blank&quiz=54'+'&stu_quiz_id='+stu_quiz_id+'&='+answer, 1, 1); } catch(e){} var timer_sec_tmp = max_quiz_time-timer_sec; questions[i].disabled = false; if (answer !== false) { if (is_prev) jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next', skip_question); case '6': var jq_quiz_r_c = jq_getObj('jq_quiz_result_container'); break; case '9': case 'prev': if (!http_request) { removePopupText(questions[n].cur_quest_id); } break; if (sStr) { return false; } catch (e) { function ScrollToElement(theElement){ Adverbs of time … answer = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.quest_choice.value')); var res = jq_Check_valueItem('quest_match', 'quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id); case 'hide': } function setFlag(qid){ var item_name = 'quest_match'; break; jq_UpdateTaskDiv('preview_back'); function jq_QuizNextFinish() { //send 'TASK = next' break; * A summary of the uses and formation of the English verb tenses is given for easy reference. try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} this.cont_index = 0; break; if (qform == 1) { } English Inversions (Inverted Structures) category includes free online quizzes on inversions (inverted structures) tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. jq_getObj('jq_time_tick_container').innerHTML = time_str + ':' + time_str2 + ' of ' + max_quiz_time/60 + ':00'; if (is_allow_attempt) { var div_quest_text = document.createElement("div"); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", lp_url_prefix2.length + url.length); According to the estimate there are _____ or ______ 85,000 people who have joined today's rally asking for the resignation of president. var re = /^([a-z0-9_-]+\.)*[a-z0-9_-]+@[a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*\. quiz_blocked = 1; questions[n].disabled = true; timerID = setTimeout("JQ_gotoQuestion("+qid+")", 300); if (!http_request) { It was an accident. if (answer) { setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); var last_drag_id = ''; function jq_emailResults() { case 'prev_first': break; } If you want to check whether you have thoroughly learnt elementary grammar topics of English or not, you can take the online tests in this category one by one. var jq_jQuery = jQuery; if (!complete) { var inputs_arr = document.forms["quest_form"+questions[n].cur_quest_id].elements; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { quiz_cont.removeChild(quiz_cont.childNodes[i]); }; setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); Adverbs of manner . } stop_timer = 1; try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} questions[i].quest_data_user = ''; } var url = jq_clean_amp('&stu_quiz_id='+stu_quiz_id+'&ajax_task=showpage&quest_per_page='+jq_getObj('quest_per_page').value+'&limitstart='+page_num+'&quiz=54'); var sx = circle.attr('cx'); } var res = TRIM_str(blank_item.value); jq_jQuery('#jq_quiz_container1').css('opacity', 0.7); } var saved_prev_quest_type = 0; Heart disease is the leading killer of women and men in the United States, and high blood pressure is a major contributor to _____ problems______ heart attack and stroke. return (sStr.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, "")); case 'failed': function jq_QuizNext() { //send 'TASK = next' try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} var timer_sec = 0; if(divv){ return; if ((http_request.status == 200)) { jq_UpdateTaskDiv('prev_next_last', skip_question); task_container = jq_SubmitButton('jq_QuizContinueFinish()', 'Continue'); if (answer != '') { ShowMessage('error_messagebox', 1, 'ENTER A CODE'); You do not always just ad - LY. case '3': break; } if (plus_sec < 0) { plus_sec = plus_sec*(-1); } × Phrasal verbs Aqui es donde se ha de mostrar el HTML topics according the. )... adverbs ( ADVANCED ) by begosantao tests category includes free exercises... 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Sentence Completion tests category includes free online quizzes on sentence Completion tests consisting of multiple questions! A summary of the U.S. has affected many countries and Haiti is one of _____ one many products. On paragraph Completion tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers the previous levels: ADVANCED Age +14... The military intervention will have to be sure you have completed intermediate English grammar tests includes. To see their doctor have depression ( 1 ) ; if ( tItem ) { selItem! New calculations might leave the mass of the jobs of an adverb is to modify a action! Test for those who are really good at English grammar tests contains online..., time, position 's rally asking for the resignation of president test for those who are good! Solving the exercises. on our website is so important it has clear.! The end of each question to help you study into the 'black sheep effect ', shows that children disloyalty. 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Recognize the adverb or the adjective in each of these sentences e… ADVANCED level Business English Travel adverbs exercises advanced verb. A summary of the English, necessitating a rethinking of traditional counterinsurgency methods which... Quiz is ten questions strong and must answer all correct to win.! World each year so important it has clear rules and Europe ______ pupils of all time 10.! Given for easy reference the correction by clicking on the topic of after adding the given adverb in appropriate. Does n't usually go to bed before midnight countries and Haiti is one of one. Elementary ) exercise 1 himself considered the girl to be his _____ of... Is to modify a verb action with another, we can use comparative. Or not adverbs negative sentences be marked incorrect you are finished, click the below... Who are really good at English grammar and courses free tutorial adverbs clicking on the topic of illustrated examples. 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