Thanks for signing up for this freebie! It’s not a problem if your cat chews a bit of grass when it’s outdoors. I don’t want to lose it. Pictures, videos, articles and questions featuring and about cats. It’s cats that cause the most problems: they tear up and chew the leaves of our plants, sleep in their pot… and even defecate in their soil. Indoors, the plant grows slowly, eventually reaching a height of 4-6ft. ), it’s also possible to teach your cat to leave your plants alone. Despite its name, it is not a true palm. My cat has been chewing on our ponytail palm during the last year, and now she has been diagnosed with chronic renal failure, even though she is only 7 … Or try a repellent! The Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a wonderful cat safe houseplant that looks great, and your cat will also love it. 4. Last update: Jan 23, 2021 1 answer. Ponytail palms rarely need repotted. It takes only a small amount to result in poisoning. Fortunately though this is also the easiest problem to solve. But beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes, spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. Ponytail palm; Cat palm; Majesty Palm; Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) This fringy-fingered plant is often a cat favorite as those dangly babies invite a mischievous cat or kitten to play. Speaking of pruning and growing, if you’re wondering how to propagate ponytail palm plants, it’s apparently easy! There you go: several ideas that will help ensure good relations between cats and plant lovers. You can get the same result for much less money by simply sowing seeds of the same cereals in a pot. Water again once the top 2 inches of soil are dry (once a week or so). Another indoor plant that is safe for cats and dogs is the Ponytail Palm. But you have to catch them carrying out the unacceptable behavior. My cat has been chewing on our ponytail palm during the last year, and now she has been diagnosed with chronic renal failure, even though she is … These palms require a very tropical … Keep the pot in a sunny spot, water occasionally and in just a few days, there will be plenty of greenery for kitty to chew on. January 13, 2021. in its system, or it may be getting some vitamins essential for its health. It will prefer that to even the softest plant! Livistona rotundifolia. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) 6. Most plants are much more attracted to fluttering birds, even if they are on the other side of a pane of glass, than to dangling plants indoors. Eating them that is. Yes! When cats use a plant pot as a letter box, things can become very unpleasant very quickly. Fast forward to a few years later, we now live in a house that has a bit more room—and most importantly, I can hang things from the ceiling! Hydrangea shrubs contain a toxin similar to cyanide and can quickly lead to oxygen deprivation and death. They come in beautiful vibrant colors and usually last up to a week. You’ll easily find seeds in the “sprouts” section of your local garden center or health food store. Plants poisonous to cats can cause anything from mild irritation to death. Cat chowing down on a ponytail palm: there are ways of preventing this. 5 Common Aussie Shepherd Health Concerns. Under normal conditions indoors, though, they probably won’t flower, or reach more than about 3 feet tall. Avoid direct sunlight. They can go for many years before needing to be repotted. Not sure whether to … We’ll detail some of the best ways to keep your puppy away from the litter box. Or give your cat a sleeping space among your plants, offering it a comfortable pillow. You see where I am going. And the techniques used to deter cats from using a pot as litter box, such as covering the soil with gravel or a wire mesh barrier, can also help. Moving the plant to a larger pot will give it room to grow in both height and girth. It’s the least elegant solution, but at least it’s certain that kitty will go elsewhere. In general, pets and houseplants get along fairly well together. Do note that cat grass is not the same as catnip. I am a very bad ponytail palm mom. They tend to look like perky ponytails. They thrive in bright light and prefer little water. 2.5m members in the cats community. You may find it easier to give these grasslike plants to a neighbor and focus your houseplant collection on plants that are less attractive to kitty. Moth Orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.) For more details, review my privacy policy. It likes well-drained soil, bright light, and a warm position. And don’t overwater! Talk to you soon! Some disease causing organisms are very specific, infecting a specific palm with a particular disease. I was given a ponytail palm and have found my cat chewing on … (Cats should never be made into vegetarians, as … You can also try placing such plants out of reach of your cat or filling a shelf so full of plants that that pussy simply can’t jump there. See more ideas about plants, pony tail palm, indoor plants. Among poisonous plants with such a foul taste cats rarely chew them are philodendrons (Philodendron spp. Rarely, a ponytail palm may produce an offset—a small baby plant that stems from the base of the adult plant. Check boxes below for what you want to see—I won't send you anything else. According to the ASPCA Dracaena sanderiana (lucky bamboo or ribbon plant) can be harmful to cats. Houseplants are a common sight in nearly every home. But beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes, spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. A chicken wire barrier quickly ended his naps among my seedlings. How to Care for Majesty Palms. The areca palm (Dypsis lutescens, U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11) may be an exotic tropical plant, but it can live indoors if you provide the appropriate climate for it to thrive.If you happen to have a cat puttering around your home that feels and acts like the king of your jungle, don't worry — it will be able to coexist with the areca palm … I am a very bad ponytail palm mom. He would knock things over, including other plants, trying to get to the ponytail palm’s delicious-looking curly leaves. ... House plant Jened My cat loves eating this plant. Elephant foot plant Sam Miller Had been looking for one of these which I call a Ponytail Palm and saw it at IKEA with a different name. It’s strong! Thread starter gingersmom; Start Date Jun 9, 2006; Jun 9, 2006 #1 gingersmom TCS Member Thread starter. Ponytail palms are fabulously unpicky when it comes to soil and potting. No spam; unsubscribe anytime. True Lilies (Easter Lily, Asiatic Lily, Glory Lily, Tiger Lily, etc.) Thanks for signing up! So it’s natural to be worried for your pet. Ponytail palms make great houseplants for many reasons, not the least of which is their ability to thrive in low humidity. What can you do to prevent their bad behaviour? Top Cat. It’s much less amusing when it chows down on your houseplants… and some cats are more into this practice than others. Pony Tail Palm. It just won’t grow as quickly, which is just as well considering these plants are adorable when tiny! Or place less delectable plants (prickly cacti or spiny euphorbias, for example) in front of your cat’s favorites. This bulbous base resembles the elephant’s foot because it tapers up into the plants stem or trunk. There is no use punishing a cat for damage it did when you weren’t present: it simply won’t understand why you’re angry at it. Best Answer. Fun, distinct, and hardy, this low-maintenance plant will look great on a side table with lots of sun. No spam; unsubscribe anytime. 16: Ponytail Palm/Beaucarnea recurvata. This post shares all about how to care for a ponytail palm, including whether you can have a ponytail palm with cats, repotting, pruning, problems, the best soil, ponytail palm propagation, how to grow multiple trunks on a ponytail palm, and more! A 30 year old, in this pot for 20 years. About: A unique and easy to care for plant native to eastern Mexico. However, it’s a palm in name only—it’s not actually a palm (Arecaceae family). Some authorities think that this stimulates vomiting, thus helping the cat to get rid of indigestible materials (hair, bones, etc.) So that is good news for your palm-hungry cats! Ponytail palm can be grown as an outdoor plant only in USDA Zones 10 and 11, where it prefers a sandy soil in a full-sun location. Much like elephant ear plants and banana plants, ponytail palm plants are beautiful tropical-looking plants that can help you bring a touch of the jungle to your otherwise boring and lifeless suburban home. You’ll probably notice that your cat won’t chew on just any plant: outdoors it seems especially attracted by grass and, indoors, by plants that look like grass. Answer Save. Australian Shepherds, or Aussies as they are sometimes … … My free 50-page guide will help you get started propagating 7 easy houseplants! The only true poisoning from eating cat litter comes from toxins produced by bacteria. Another indoor plant that is safe for cats and dogs is the Ponytail Palm. Kitty thinks this is just the greatest bed… you may not agree! Joined May 11, 2006 Messages 8,028 Reaction score 21. wider than the previous pot. Water, temperature, and humidity needs are all easy when it comes to how to care for a ponytail palm plant. Ponytail Palms (below) are more petite varieties, although they can grow to be huge, and are also pretty common in stores. The leaves grow long, green, and curly, giving the plant its “ponytail” appearance. Doing so will force your plant to grow multiple trunks that will begin to emerge at the soil level all around the original base of the plant. He is eating and drinking just fine and I scooped his litter and there was poop and urine clumps in it. Cats enjoy playing with and even eating plant leaves, as well as digging in the soil around the plant. While the ponytail palm is a very easy plant to take care of, it’s not without its problems. "If cats eat the petals or leaves, … Livistona rotundifolia, table, footstool, java fan or fan palm is a “very … You can pick up a bag at any garden store, or you can cut some costs and make your own in bulk using a DIY succulent soil recipe. A lose-lose situation. How to Paint Terracotta Pots: The Ultimate Guide! Calathea Rattlesnake (Calathea Lancifolia) This rattlesnake is not venomous to cats, dogs or … This would leave me with ugly nibbled-on leaves and cat barf to clean up. You’ll also love my guides on how to take care of monstera plants, how to take care of pothos plants, how to take care of rubber plants, caring for peperomia plants, and how to care for philodendron. You should never keep plants toxic to cats around your home in case of ingestion— lilies are extremely poisonous to cats, for example. This plant cannot be shipped* Lighting: high light preferred - on a windowsillWatering Frequency: water every other weekWatering Amount: allow soil to completely dry out between wateringsSoil: regular, indoor potting mix from your local garden center will do the trick Pet friendly Comes in a 6" diameter … planting in a pot that doesn’t make a drainage hole. Palm trees are also different from regular deciduous oak or maple trees in important aspects like their ability to heal after injury. This tabby seems to be thinking “If it moves, kill it!”, In many cases, it’s not that pussy wants to eat the leaves, it wants to play with them… and ends up shredding them. ; All parts of sago palm are considered poisonous, with the seeds (nuts) being the … It always looked like he was in a tanning salon! File this plant under the “avoid overwatering this plant, and you’ll probably be able to keep it alive” category. Beaucarnea Recurvata (Ponytail Palm Tree) Despite the name and appearance, ponytail palm trees are not palm trees but are actually succulents from the Agave family. Thank you for your answers and yes, the plant it out on the … Cats are curious by nature, so your favorite plants might pose a huge temptation to your little friend. Sometimes you’ll find kitty sleeping in a hanging basket! I think cats are just naturally attracted to long thin leaved plants. Yes, they get kitties high and too much can be bad for … Live in the low desert, Arizona. These babies become plants of their own, but remember, this plant is a slow grower. That doesn't mean they're going to love each other. While it is not toxic, if your feline eats a lot of its leaves, it might present digestion problems. Leaves that are turning yellow or a trunk/stem that is beginning to look mushy or rotted is a sign of root rot induced by overwatering. That’s because this plant has a rough trunk with an exterior resembling an elephant’s skin. Ginger started munching the tips of the palm spears months ago - that's when I brought the first cat grass into my home. It’s toxic to cats, but not humans. Grasslike plants, such as this spider plant, are especially subject to attack. Pony Tail Palm closeup to show 3-bulb base . Cats and Houseplants: Not Always a Good Mix, How to stop cats from damaging houseplants. I got it at Lowe's and the sticker on it said "10 Ponytail Sienna/ half barrel 1gal" Is this plant poisonous? Sow more every 2 to 3 weeks. You’ll notice that cats don‘t use just any pot as a litter box: they prefer large pots placed directly on the floor and with little foliage at soil level. It can warm up any space with its looks. Unlike the three listed above, Ponytail palms aren’t in the palm family, but they do look like one, and are safe for pets. Like other houseplants, you can water less during the winter (once every month or so). Great indoor plant Deb from Brampton This plant was a great addition to my indoor garden. When your palm tree (Arecaceae) is rotting, it's often too late to safe the tree. We are lucky to have a lovely atrium in my building that is filled with plants. Which is why it’s no surprise that cats find them nearly irresistible to swat, even in passing. Keep in mind that cats are true carnivores; they only really need meat-sourced food. This was back when we lived in an apartment, and I was limited on where I could put my plants. If ingested, it causes dilated pupils, abdominal pain, … Here is a site that shows a list of plants that can be poisonous to your kitty. Its leaves grow from small rosettes that sprout from the stem/trunk. Andie. All parts of the plant… It’s officially named Beaucarnea recurvata, which you will literally never hear it called. Ponytail palms typically are very low maintenance and do not require pruning. . With exception to peace lily and calla lily, all other lily varieties are major threats to cats, causing kidney failure and death. Please click the link in the email I just sent you—I just need to confirm it’s really you to prevent spam . My cat has an obsession with eating grasses, wheat grass, any plant he can get his hand on, ponytail palms, spider plants etc have been in our home since he was young, he generally pukes after eating them. Finally, if you fertilize your plants, make sure you’re not giving your ponytail palm too much fertilizer. They never chew on large leaves like the ones of the Monstera Deliciosa or Ficus Elastica, but… they also like unfurled baby new leaves from whichever plant, and so I have to keep close attention to this. This is a houseplant, grown as a bonsai. I only allow non toxic plants and by all sources including the ASPCA ponytail palm should be non toxic to cats. With its broad crenate leaves, though, it no way resembles grass. I did this while repotting the plan. If you want to move your ponytail palm outside during the summer, definitely avoid direct sunlight outdoors. These can be cut off at the base when they reach at least 4 inches in height and planted in a succulent potting mix. You can find spray-on repellents in garden centers and hardware stores that are specifically designed to keep cats away. Wondering what this beautiful creature is and how to care for a ponytail palm plant? I think my cat may have eaten a ponytail rubberband. Ponytail Palm. So I have to… Ponytail Palm Care Indoors. If you’re planting in a pot that doesn’t make a drainage hole, make sure you build a layer of drainage into the bottom of the pot. If not, try to cover the pot with sharp gravel. Overwatering will lead to root rot. Here are a few short points followed by some longer detailed sections. When you catch your cat acting inappropriately, reprimand it by clapping your hands or saying a determined “no”. Often, simply raising pussy’s favorite pot on a pedestal or shelf solves the problem completely. However, some Asian lady beetles are harmful or dangerous, i.e., they will cause ulceration in your cat’s mouth and gut. Cat palm is probably not poisonous to cats; the ASPCA lists miniature fish tail palm (Chamaedorea elegans), which belongs to the same genus as cat palm, as non-toxic to cats… When I tried to move it out of reach, the temptation was still too great. However, you might hear it called an elephant’s foot or an elephant’s foot palm. It can be difficult to keep houseplant that prefer high humidity happy indoors. Like its succulent family members, ponytail palms like a lot of light. You might not believe it, but this question arises a lot because the pet owner’s cats love this palm tree! Well, my cat was obsessed with trying to get to it and eat it. Check out my guides on propagating pothos plants, snake plants, peperomia, string of pearls, succulents, monstera deliciosa, and prickly pear cactus pads. Repotting a Ponytail Palm. It’s also worth noting that saponins are found in many popular houseplants, not just the ponytail palm. Any foliage that moves under the effect of air currents is especially at risk of being attacked. My cat Nounouche used to love sleeping in my seed trays, always in the highest row of my light stand, under fluorescent lights that gave off a gentle heat. To repot, loosen the root ball and plant in fresh soil shallow enough so that the top of the root ball is at the soil level. That's a separate family of course (the ponytail palm is not a palm, more closely related to Yucca or Agave). Here are a few more palm varieties safe for cats: Ponytail palm; Cat palm; Majesty Palm; Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) This fringy-fingered plant is often a cat favorite as those dangly babies invite a mischievous cat or kitten to play. Fun, distinct, and hardy, this low-maintenance plant will look great on a side table with lots of sun. Favorite Answer. Garden Help Plant Pests Shade Plants Plants Ponytail Plant Growing Gardens Palm Trees Landscaping Garden Trees Palm … Either way, gerbera daisies are a safe choice when you have cats in the house. cat eating palm tree? These plants are very drought tolerant because they can store water. If you suspect that may be the case, buy it a few toys or install a bird feeder near his favorite window. Ponytail Palm Bonsai = Cat Grass. Please click the link in the email I just sent you—I just need to confirm it's really you to prevent spam :), Copyright by Brittany Goldwyn, 2021 | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. The ASPCA says they are not toxic to pets. Pay attention to what kinds of plants … 6 Answers. Speaking of going elsewhere, make sure that your cat’s litter box is changed frequently, as cats disdain dirty or smelly litter. American Plant Exchange Ponytail Palm in 6-In. Their fronds are thinner and lighter, but they still grow tall and are non toxic to cats and dogs. Wit & … If the leaves on the bottom start to brown and die off as in the photo below, you can just trim them. Cat chowing down on a ponytail palm: there are ways of preventing this. The latter, Nepeta cataria, is the plant makes some cats (but not all) go a bit crazy: they like to roll in it, purring and miaowing. Want to read more about plant propagation? Choosing Your Plants Observe your cat's preferences. 5. I knew it would do well, and I wasn’t ready to give him up yet. Ponytail palm is not in fact a palm, but is actually a type of succulent. My two kittens are only attracted to long narrow leaves like the ones of the Areca palm, Dracena Marginata, Ponytail palm or Spider plant. Cat palm is probably not poisonous to cats; the ASPCA lists miniature fish tail palm (Chamaedorea elegans), which belongs to the same genus as cat palm, as non-toxic to cats, as well as dogs. The Ponytail Palm lives up to its name with long, alluring leaves. It kind of looks like a little palm tree. Pot. I have never personally propagated a ponytail palm plant, but I am planning to work on it and update this post when I can. Palms are susceptible to fungal attacks that often cause the plants to rot. Catnip doesn’t make a good houseplant; it’s something you’ll want to grow in an outdoor garden. Well, Ginger took it upon herself last night to eat the growing tops off of my miniature Ponytail Palm Bonsai. Some merchants sell pots of “cat grass” as if it were a specific type of plant, but in fact, these pots just contain sprouts of cereal grasses (wheat, oat, barley, etc.). Fertilize only according to your succulent fertilizer’s instructions, and don’t approach it with the mentality that “more is better.”. You can cut these babies off, let them heal over for a few days, dip in rooting hormone, and then replant in their own pot. ), dieffenbachias (Dieffenbachia spp. Why does my cat eat plants? I couldn’t blame him really. Therefore, if your cat eats ladybugs, besides ulceration caused by Asian lady beetle, expect diarrhea and vomiting, while if they eat too many, they can cause impaction. The problem is we have three cats and they LOVE plants. You will be surprised by how much love your cats share. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. The ponytail palm originates from the Asparagaceae family in eastern Mexico. He's sneaky about chewing on them to, the only way I really know what he's been up to is when I discover the warm brown vomit on the floor, leaves and all! *This plant is only available for local pickup orders in Pittsburgh. It’s in her kitchen next to a door. Hydrangea shrubs contain a toxin similar to cyanide and can quickly lead to oxygen deprivation and death. The care instructions for ponytail palm are relatively short. Sorry—no easy answer here! Place such plants out of your cat’s reach… or remove any dangling branches that are just too tempting. Indoors as houseplants, ponytail palms stay smaller—though they can still grow to multiple feet tall, with leaves that can grow to many feet long. Pony Tail Palm purchased 2004 growing well in filtered light with weekly light watering. This plant is at least 30 years old and I've had it for more than a decade. 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