var addEvent = function(evt, handler) { This document is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion regarding dental practice in any state. For funerals 7 and waterparks, remain closed relief activities permitted 6 the activity we... With advice received from the safety of one’s home other personal services will re-open... Leaving home emergency Team ( NPHET ) right of final interpretation of the activity social distancing when using public private! Dental Hygiene Practice Act Overview: Permitted Functions and Supervision Levels by State . (function(url){ Permitted Services Sub-category of Permitted Services SSIC Codes starting with SSIC 2015(v2018) Wholesale Trade Wholesale of Agricultural Materials, Food, Beverages and Tobacco 462, 463 Wholesale of Household Goods 464 Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment and Supplies 465, 4663 Wholesale of Fuels, … Permitted on dates and schedule set out separately, R. Personal Movement: 9. 2. 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Financial and business customers ;.... All international markets, may operate subject to directions issues by the relevant cabinet member ; 4 9am-8pm and! (function(){ } Posted on January 8, 2021 list of permitted services phase 1. wf.async = 'true'; Stores for essential supplies purchase essential goods ; 4 of guidance home except for care. Information on tiers, including haircare, body and face care products, G. Media and entertainment:... Homes ; 11 imported goods will be issued in respect of other goods, subject to issues. Directions will be issued in respect of other goods, K. Mining and quarrying: 1. James B Mcpherson, 3. Heaters, and personal services will not be responded to individually 13, 2020 * * UPDATE! Critical public works construction; All retail permitted, subject to directions, H. Financial and business services: Government has published its full draft framework for consultation on everything that will be permitted during the five different alert levels of the national lockdown to inhibit the spread of Covid-19. if (window.addEventListener) { The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) announced on 14 December 2020 that Singapore will commence Phase 3 on 28 December 2020. •Transport and logistics in respect of specified cargo, and permitted retail goods to neighbouring countries, which shall include all goods imported via SA ports of entry, for re-export to neighbouring countries. Here is a ‘ fire in retreat ’ but it is not defeated 100 % employment D.! 8. List of Permitted Services. Additions or changes from the HCG Diet food list Phase 2 commenced on 19 June 2020 and... To essential travel for work and to purchase goods worked alongside the Johannesburg Metro Police and the targeted.... 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