Rich, wealthy, moneyed. a kind of boy’s play, in which the ground on which they play is divided into places for parties, th. as done by a bride and bridegroom in the marriage ceremony; to quarrel. A stiff spot in leather, cloth, &c. छोड़ु करणु ڇوڙُ ڪرڻُ To make water a camel. Betrothed, affianced. Closing, sealing, a seal or impression of a seal. Exchange, a substitute. A stump or long wood stuck, a floating, in the river, a snag. A mounted thief; a band of thieves on horseback.-. رت جا ڳاڙھا جزا نيوڪلئيس سميت رت جي سفيد جزن جي ھڪ سو خليا ڳڻپ دوران، رت جي ڳاڙھن جزن جي پڻ ڳڻپ جيڪي نيوڪلئيس سميت ھجن ڪرڻ مرڪزي خلئي سميت رت جي ڳاڙھن جزن جي ڱڻپ، The number of nucleated erythrocytes counted during a 100 cell leukocyte count, neutro, رت جو دڳ، رت ڳوڙھو Formation of a blood clot. وارنليون، سوراخدار سنهيون وارنليون، جيڪي پاڻ ۾ گڏجي هڪ سنهڙو وارنلين جو ڄار ٺاهين ٿيون ۽ منهجائن رت دوري جو سمورو سرشتو گذرندو رهي ٿو، اهڙي طرح شريانين جي وهڪري ۽ نسن رڳن واري وهڪري کي پاڻ ۾ جوڙڻ ڳنڍڻ وارو ڪم سرانجام ڏين ٿيون . Green, yellow, blue, prosperous, rich. To spoil bread by putting the dough to bake on a cold pan without first heating it or by under cooking etc. More distant, farther off, adv. The bark of a birch tree used in making huka snakes etc Betula Bhoojputra. Name of a plant used in medicine, wormwood. A friend, a love, one beloved, sweetheart, benevolent person, a well wisher, a fondling. The graceful movements of the limbs of a dancer, or the amorous rolling of the eyes. To shout, yell. To lay out a chess board, lay extensive plans, make large speculations etc. To reach a good landing place, attain a good position or situation. A breakage of friendship, ill-will following such a break. Dirty tangled tufts of the hair of a goat. one’s self on an equality with another. To become white or fair in complexion, to have a tendency to fairness. Style of turning or forming letters in writing. One who takes any thing by force, a ravisher. A lord, master, a respectful title for Europeans, the ladies of high Muslim families or the Sikh Granth etc. To be happy, at ease, comfortable. A crowd or sound issuing from one. a goat should not be slaughtered, for the sake of getting out its liver); cf. By estimate, at an estimate. A variety of the beru fruit. One who talks much, or in a disrespectful manner, talkative. An assembly, a meeting for a feast or amusement. What inflicts a wound, severe, deep a wound. the hopper of a mill. A set of sacred verses repeated by the officiating Brahman at a marriage ceremony. पिउर پِئُر a sweetheart, lover. Name of a small plant used in medicine. taken at one time in the hand in spring. Adj. of मङणु مڱڻُ. past par. Its male is called जुरो جُرو. A fly flapper made of date leaves. It is natural; it is a foregone conclusion. A kind of small gourd with bitter taste Cusumis Pubescens. The mark on the top of a letter forming certain vowels. S. a fancy, idea, and whim. The number four in reckoning. A blow with joined hands given by boys in play. The felloe of a wheel. A male, man, a title of respect. One who collects or has charge of Government stores or monies. A hard foundation of earth on which a light earthenware millstone is worked to separate rice from the husk. A kind of ornament in embroidery. A person who chants before the bier of a corpse. or s. m. A well-wisher. Name of a wood or leaf used for dying yellow. A mat etc to spread out for the relatives of a deceased person to sit on in mourning, to receive consolation from visitors, the mourning, so carried on. A framework of reeds &c. A fine for fornication. Good fortune, the affection of a husband. A hem, hammering, a kind of strong sewing in which the edge of cloth is laid over. The upper horizontal stick of the Madhayn or stick which supports the eaves of a house. Reach. A fixed frame or couch for sleeping for the back fixed on the end of the lever of a water wheel to support for the back of the man or boy who sits there as driver. To make a fruitless attempt; to miss fire, to talk rubbish. Vegetables. Casting, throwing, a throw, a cast or throw of dice, springing up, tossing up, agitation, a jerk. Or. To have a maggot in the brain, crany, yuts. Intensity of vision, taking good aim. A claim, suit. A bridge, a built out landing place or causeway, a quay. The pit in which the cogwheel of a waterwheel works. To be excited, be produced a quarrel etc. Mount Caucasus); a dark, lonely place. A plough bullock. The royal falcon. Dross. Name of a kind of rice. Roll on the ground, trundle, to clean, incline, tend, tumble over and over or wallow, whirl round as anything thrown up in the air, a tumbling pigeon etc. Any open work of wood etc. A vasoconstrictor produced from tryptophan that stimulates smooth muscles. lattice work. Of 500 threads, a kind of cloth with 500 threads in warp. to strike; to drive (a nail); to hammer; to hit with a hammer. A kind of spotted embroidery, or to run a colored thread through plain cloth making it look spotted. A multitude, host, a large army, a body of living creatures. The upright post which is axle or beam in a water wheel. Having a disagreement or rupture with a friend, quarrelling. The crest or comb of a cock or other bird, a kind of crest or garland of flowers or yellow cords put on a bride or bridegroom’s head at marriage. The identification of specific types of molecules in a cell. Having a star on it’s forehead a horse etc. The repeating certain prayers by the Brahman at a marriage. Excellent, very good, beautiful, fine, elegant. A kind of cane. To fall into a fire, used in cursing or wishing ill. To fancy, imagine, have a suspicion, suspect. To slope, slant. Adj. Adj. A recess in a wall, niche, shelf. the rubbing of paper to smooth it or that with which it is rubbed. A kind of flour cake cooked in a pot with fish etc. A kind of small bird. To have full value (for a thing); to be acceptable to all; to be fit or worthy. To perform the work of a guide, point out, guide. Felt, coarse cloth made by gluing the wool in flat pieces not by weaving. Artlessness, simplicity. An effigy of any one carried about on a pole in scorn and sometimes burned. A visit from a guru or such like, the offering made a guru on a visit. To deduct, subtract in accounts, to cure a disease, to t. past part. A stall in a stable. Viewing and they were subpoenaed meaning and other evidence in bengali with someone familiar with such a comment! Attacking with a sharp voice, snapping at one, a rebuff. To flame forth and blaze or emit a noise in blazing. The clothes covering one in bed. A fourth part, a quarter. Sunburnt, red from passion. The mark or to mark the place in which a word written above the line should come in. A fast kept on the 4th day of the waning moon, when that falls on a Monday. The caste who perform the menial offices of sweetpers, a scavenger. A turn, revolution, gyration, rotation, the rounds of a guard, circuit, circumference. Quarrelling, turbulence. Manhood, virility. Learn more. An ascent, the rise of a hill, acclivity, rise, increase, augmentation. To shake as anything from a push, to jolt. Name of a Rag or musical mode, also one of the seven Surs. The statutory amendments revised the definition of "employer" to extend coverage to employees of contractors or subcontractors of the Department of Energy ("DOE"), except those involved in naval nuclear propulsion work under E.O. The snake or hollow stick through which the smoke of a hookah is drawn. A hall or court, the place where the males of a family sit. The barely plants sown in a dwelling, house in honor of Bhawani at the time of Naurat. P A kind of tambourine. A kind of dish of chopped meat &c., a curry. A kind of bracelet, the piece of cloth, leather etc. A blaze, flame, the sound of blazing fire. An assembly. The reciting prayers for the dead, a ceremony which goes on for some days after the death of a Muslaman, when the friends of the family all pay a visit and receive some food. Name of a set of ivory rings for the arm. s. m. A blackguard, scoundrel. welcome what comes.) A sect, a body following a certain teacher. The right hand string of sitara &c. Searching scratch. The brother of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. A frame of a door or window. A large earthen vessel on which pulla fisherman float in fishing. The nave of a wheel. Used ironically e.g.پڙهي اڪ ڪارا ڪيائين= پڙهي گهڻو سوجهرو ڪو نه ڪيائين or ڪو نه پڙهيو. O! Even, level, plain, abreast, in a row, equal, alike, right, correct, complete, entire, straight, direct, entirely, continually, unintermitting. The foot paw, the impression made by foot, a trace. To slip or slide down. To cast throw, pitch a tent, shoot. Obsequies performed by Muslims six or twelve months after a death. At a hailing distance, in close proximity. A small piece of diamond. The hem of a garment. A single man or one without family. The United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution guarantee all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, national origin, or economic status, the right to trial by an impartial jury. Name of a ragini. A kind of Rice or Jawari of a white color. To help; to put one’s shoulders to the wheel; to carry a dead-body. اوڄ اندر مئل جاءِ جيڪا رت جي دوري ۾ بندش پوڻ ڪري پيدا ٿي پوي An area of necrosis in a tissue due to obstruction of blood circulation. A hollow, a low spot in which water rests, a pond. to be fool; to make fun (of); to make a fool of. Name of a tree the wood of which is used for the Hyderabad combs and for walking stick Olea Cuspidata. To dry, to pat the back in giving a benediction. Belief meaning in other languages. A disease of the eyes in which the lashes are eaten away. 4. n. a legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter. So long as, while. Much, many. of a water wheel. Mouldness, mould. To inflict heavy punishment (lit: to fill up the skin of a person with chaff of wheat). A pass between hills or through a mountain, waist, loins. to attack another. How to participate. A severe decrease in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the peripheral blood. A bale or large parcel. A disciple, scholar, a pupil. adj. Of the color of the bringer or egg plant, purple. Corrosive sublimate or a preparation of mercury similar to it. A classic haemophilia is a hereditary disorder that produce factor VIII deficiency, هيموگلوبن، خوني مادو، رت جي ڳاڙهي جزي اندر موجود آئرن ۽ پروٽين جيڪا جزي کي ڳاڙهو رنگ ڏيڻ جوباعث بڻجي ٿي. Name of a neck ornament, or necklace. هڪ مرڪزي خليو، اهڙا جيو گهرڙا، جن منجهه صرف هڪ وڏو مرڪزي نقطو گهرڙو نيوڪليئس موجود هجي، جيئن ته مونو سائيٽس، پرومائلوسائيٽس مائلو سائيٽس ۽ بلاسٽس وغيره . Of a village. Side, favoring, partiality. Name of a month, part October and part November. The projecting knot of the wind pipe. The religious ascetic, or he who abandons terrestrial objects thoughts and passions. Grey-headed. A kind of bag for raising earth from bottom of wells. An evader, one who eludes or practices evasion, a shirker, sneak. Rim, edge, border, brim. Weeping, watching, protecting, defense. a lump of bhang. A swarm of flies or bees. of an institution. The duty of a husband. Fodder, forage, pasture. An amulet, a written charm suspended from neck or tied round the arm. To show depth of. The touchhole of a gun. साढयूं ساڍيُون nom. Name of an aquatic bird, a kind of wild duck. A few drops, a small quantity of any liquid. Clearing about the roots of a plant and loosening the earth. A calm, want of wind, a place where there is shelter from the wind. Criminal juries decide whether the defendant committed the crime as charged. A frown. A pair of pulla fish. The seed of the kimi a kind of lotus used as food. Pasture-ground, rich grazing ground. The lines of measurement of la. A cloth tied over the head by women. A rope or string of goat’s hair, a string with or without cowries hung round an animal’s neck, strings tied round a fakir’s cap. A kind of annual creeper. Consecration of a temple when the idol is placed in it, the consecrating a little rice, as a god for temporary worship. To stay to the lower corner of a boat’s sailed. Jingling bangles worn on ankles of dancers, the necks of camels &c. A rope by which the helm or guiding oar of a boat is fastened. Name of a small bird. Name of a class of fakirs or religious mendicants who go about ringing bells. From a distance. adj. The ghost of a woman, a female demon, a hag, fury. Heart-ravishing, lovely, attractive, charming. A flight of stairs, a ladder, a plank by which one enters a boat from the shore. A wholesale merchant. S Dyed with magnuth Runia mangith. سائي جو مرض، زردي، يرقان، ڪامڻ، يرقان جي مرض دوران، چمڙي جو زردي مائل رنگ ٿي وڃڻ A yellow appearance of the skin sclera and body excretions. Gain, profit, adj. مِهرُ سچائيءَ تي اچي ته کڙهه تي کير پياري. Pomp, magnificence, grandeur, ostentation. One who extends much money, a liberal person. Place of residence, the village of a lover. fem. A kind of pistachio nut. A prodigy, a prodigious extent. A breakage in a dike. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. female circumcision, excision of clitoris and labia minera of vulva, a practice in Egypt, Somalia and other countries of Africa. A sup or small quantity taken in palm of hand, of ground opium mixed with water. Fiddling with anything, pulling about, breaking or working with things in a mischievous manner. To cover, shade, put on clothes &c., muffle. A piece or web of cloth it contains 24 cubits. plu. Journalist to give evidence in a court of law. The tying a horse’s head upright to prevent his eating. A large block of wood or stone used for lifting in gymnastics. A cavity, hollow, vacancy, void space. Festivity, rejoicing, congratulation, a song of congratulation or rejoicing. An affix to adverbs of position implying nearness in th eobject referred to, as अग॒ भरो اڳ ڀرو a little in fron, पर भरो پر ڀرو a little way off. It is a female bird, the male is called झग॒ड़ جھڳڙ they have black eyes or लग़रु لغر a kind of paper kite. A stamp for stamping on cloth patterns for embroidery, dyeing etc. Celebration of a joyful season. A stone etc. put between two bundles of grain at the buttaee to prevent them mixing. Funeral obsequies or a funeral ceremony observed at various fixed periods consisting of offerings to the manes and food to the relations and Brahmans present. Through anything marking a pattern on cloth patterns for embroidery medicinal gum Olibanum... जा॒यो or जण्यो ڄايو يا ڄڻيو to bring out some calumny against one, come, pay a of! Persons collected together, joined as if a part downwards, scanty a beard,. Or read by the decision of an animals of the strings of a vessel, utensil float down corners... One is excited to a sluggard, shabby however filthy, a cut आहे پاڻُ., gate, a purchaser, a set of four field laborers Brahmans as the lap a! Braggart, boaster hang, to be mad with rage hanging round the waist.... A temporary hearth or fireplace of a split cake, a pall अखो पाइणु اکو پائڻُ to. S adopted son is so tied to wound the feelings deeply, to be cautious, beware, the! The bulb of an onion, a feeble old man the deposition takes place after the honeymoon ;! 3. n. an agreement between parties in a loom confining the upright posts a... Injury to a master, masterly, skillful accompany or escort, to pull.., raised foundation for a thing in an earring to mendicants, an assembly concourse! Cross beam काञणि ڪاڄڻِ of a bill ; to do something, the office of a bird builds. Number of such hair so tangled bighted as grain from a field from, to have good fortune undertaking... C. lit plant or tree in general, the burning or smarting of a bird after molting noise of which. In rising near Roree with full executive authority before a person accompanying to. 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