Finally enslaved peoples were free to roam without running. Centered on an empowering account of enslaved African Americans who ingeniously stitched codes into quilts to signal those seeking freedom in the North toward safe haven, this gratifying story has stirred controversy within the world of quilt scholarship. It could also be used as a compass where several patterns are used together. This was network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to Ohio and Canada. It also shows some signs that recommended slaves what to do. “You really get a sense of enslaved people there,” she says. Drunkard’s Path = Zig-zag as you go along in case you are being stalked by hounds, Double Wedding Ring =Now it is safe to remove your chains and shackles. Come and learn the meaning of the blocks said to have lent the slaves a helping hand to freedom. She had retired and was selling quilts. This Railroad quilt pattern is part of the popular underground railway quilts from the 19th century. November 13, 2019 Post a comment ... Quilts Of The Underground Railroad Quilting Pattern Png Patchwork Healing Quilting Club Demonstrates How Patterns B O N N E L L A R T C O M Underground Railroad Class North Star: A signal with two messages--one to prepare to escape and the other to follow the North Star to freedom in Canada. “I simply ask them, ‘Do you think it’s possible?’ Nonverbal communication, symbols, and secrets are all forms of communication.”. Author: Susan Hazelton. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. The Underground Railroad has always been an interest. Beautifully sewn vintage log cabin quilt. Sharon Tindall is a Virginia-based quilter, educator, and one in a tradition of contemporary quilters who design textile works inspired by this “quilt code.”, “When I’m creating a quilt, I’m focused on the purpose of the quilt,” she says. The slaves, the Johnson family who protected them, that presence was the colors in the sky of the quilt. Quilt historians and Underground Railroad experts are not all in agreement with the quilt-code theory. Since much of this information was transmitted orally and not written down, we may speculate on the meaning of Underground Railroad symbols and how they were interpreted by runaway slaves. A Little Bit of Background Information . Quilt Patterns Through Time. Photo courtesy of Sharon Tindall. Slaves couldn't write or read, and that gave them a problem. Simply put, she has faith. I can see the promise of such a system. While Tobin and Dobard were writing Hidden in Plain View in the late 1990s, MacDowell was in Michigan with a group of graduate students documenting African American quilts and recording stories. The North Star quilt block tells them to follow the North Star to safety. Sew a part of history. Quilt historians and Underground Railroad experts are not all in agreement with the quilt-code theory. “There will always be people who believe,” she concedes. According to legend, a safe house along the Underground Railroad was often indicated by a While many have questioned this theory, it remains part of the folklore that surrounds the Underground Railroad, and quilt codes are incorporated into the Black History Cairn in Owen Sound. Quilts with patterns named wagon wheel tumbling blocks and bear s paw appear to. Her mother taught her (as did her grandmother teach her mother) that you always hold a needle pointing in the direction of the North as you quilt it, because that is where opportunities are. Our list Quilt Block Names and Meanings: The Ultimate Guides includes names, photos, descriptions, and even a little history for the most popular quilt blocks out there. Underground Railroad Quilt Block Meanings People have long believed that the symbols used in quilts of the South during slavery were actually used as secret messages for slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was the secret path that enslaved people used to escape from their owners. I was disappointed by her answer because I didn’t understand. Maybe the protocols for experiences of belief versus fact are just different. Quilt showing many of the Underground Railroad Quilt squares. Nowadays, some African American women make coded quilts for their daughters and granddaughters, and that will keep happening. Two historians say African American slaves may have used a quilt code to navigate the Underground Railroad. Support the Folklife Festival, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, sustainability projects, educational outreach, and more. By life. The nice thing about this time-honored quilt block is that it allows for tons of variation. One of the important events during his presidency was the emergence of the Underground Railroad and the use of secret signs and codes to help help people escape from slavery. Often made from scraps of old dresses, burlap sacks, and dish cloths, it gives physical, even functional, form to a family or individual’s past and present. Some people believe that certain classic quilt blocks were used to send messages to slaves escaping to freedom on the Underground Railroad. The Sailboat quilt block tells the slaves to take a sailboat across the Great Lakes to safety. This interesting quilt is made with the tumbling blocks pattern. Some historians float the issue that many of the quilt patterns cited as directives for enslaved peoples probably did not yet exist during the height of the Underground Railroad, between 1850 and 1860. Regardless of the disputed history, it has been twenty years now that Tindall and other quilters have been making coded quilts: glimmering, spiritually charged, stop-you-in-your-tracks, hanging textiles based in deeply believed and debated historical events. Were they supposed to wait until spring if the sky wasn’t clear? 21 Underground Railroad Railroad by Becky Brown Railroad can symbolize the end of the Underground Railroad, a change in the strategy of escape from slavery. Explain that in this lesson, we will study an Underground Railroad quilt code that has been preserved through the oral tradition in one family's history. the underground railroad quilts squares where made with codes to help the slaves to freedom Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use), Sharon Tindall, “The Johnson House,” 2019, cotton batik, Dupioni silk, tulle netting, Swarovski crystals, 40 x 28”, Sharon Tindall’s interpretation of the Flying Geese quilt pattern, 2019, Dupioni silk, cotton, 19 x 19”, In this quilt, Sharon Tindall combines two traditional block patterns: The North Star and Jacob’s Ladder. Bow Tie = Dress in disguise to appear of a higher status, Bear Paw = Follow an animal trail through the mountains to find water and food, Log Cabin = Seek shelter now, the people here are safe to speak with. Homepage Quilting History Quilt Patterns. They need to follow the trail of bear tracks to the food and water that has been left for them. Quilt making is a beautiful, traditional art form, and tells stories rich in history. This pattern tells them to take a mountain trail out of view of the area. How could this interpretation of a quilt block have directed slaves hundreds of miles along a cruel course, across canyons and rivers, all the way to Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Indiana? To join them all together, people used to sew a string through all the layers and tie it off with knots. First of all, what the heck are quilt codes? Beautiful example of a Wagon Wheel pattern quilt. MacDowell’s team recorded almost fifty interviews. The title drew me in right away. Impressive example of a flying geese quilt. While many have questioned this theory, it remains part of the folklore that surrounds the Underground Railroad, and quilt codes are incorporated into the Black History Cairn in … Quilt blocks names have been derived from every aspect of society. “One woman who was originally from South Carolina but lived in Detroit said she learned quilting as a child in South Carolina. Besides offering wonderful results as you place your blocks in your quilt, directional blocks are good choices to use as "connector blocks", used side by side with a different block which results in a secondary pattern emerging. Historians believe the first quilt the seamstress would display had a money wrench pattern. freedom using the Underground Railroad quilt code. Sew a part of history. The most famous telling of a quilt code says that indeed, quilts were a vital part of the Underground Railroad, and their history with it was unwritten until very recently. The scheme was assisted by abolitionists and others sympathetic to the cause of the escapees. Sharon Tindall, “Colorful Underground Railroad Sampler,” 2008, cotton, 88 x 70”. They need to avoid walking in a straight line to avoid the people hunting them. Sharon Tindall uses a historical pattern made up of triangles and rectangles called Flying Geese. This quilt means to follow the flying geese to safety. Underground Railroad Quilt Patterns Meanings. MacDowell has done the research. Sarah Ives, in National Geographic News (Feb. 5, 2004): . Underground Railroad Symbols Andrew Jackson was the 7th American President who served in office from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837. Come and learn the meaning of the blocks said to have lent the slaves a helping hand to freedom. Several years later, quilter Eleanor Burns and Sue Bouchard became fascinated with Williams’ story and created a sampler quilt based on the secret code, publishing the patterns in the book The Underground Railroad Sampler. In recent years, one of the most powerful quilt myths to emerge has centered on the role quilts may have played in the Underground Railroad. Underground Railroad Free Quilt Block Pattern. So, if we truly believe something, as Tindall believes that enslaved people running north were guided by the Flying Geese pattern in quilts, we may have trouble seeing the difference between belief and fact. MacDowell’s fellow quilt-scholars posited the subject of her whiteness. Learn how quilts were used for more than just keeping warm on cold nights. The slaves could follow the geese to water, food, and a place to rest. She was previously the director of publishing for Cfile Foundation, where she wrote, edited, and published extensively on the topic of contemporary and historic ceramic arts. This antique quilt is a Rose Wreath hand appliqued quilt by Jeffie Beaver (Mrs. A. W. Smith 1894-1985). National Geographic and the Kennedy Center developed elementary school curricula that referenced the codes. I really like all the quilts, but I liked the rose wreath the best. The quilt code may or may not be a story, but it is a lovely idea. You'll love this list of quilting types.
Whether you're looking for quilting inspiration or just want to peruse your block options, this expansive list of popular blocks is sure to inspire you to get quilting! How the Quilt Code of the Underground Railroad enabled the slaves to run away from slavery safely. Quilt for the Underground Railroad The idea of enslaving human beings was not acceptable to many people and so the Underground Railroad came into being. Someone else we recorded said that her family hid important papers in the binding of the quilt. Who has not heard of the Underground Railroad? As a solution, they decided that safehouses will have quilts hanging from them, with the designs telling the slaves what should happen. Eleanor Burns shares a story passed down through families about a link between slave-made quilts and the Underground Railroad. The punishments were stiff for helping a slave escape. The Underground Railroad Quilt Codes* ... pattern represented a different meaning. It has been disputed by a number of historians. Whether or not you believe Tindall’s interpretation, you might agree her belief provides poetic justifications for belief versus fact. the underground railroad quilts squares where made with codes to help the slaves to freedom Susan Hazelton (author) from Sunny Florida on July 20, 2019: Thank you Pam Oglesby I am glad you enjoyed t. It combined two of my favorite interest- the Civil War and quilting. This power point presentation by Debra Bays tells the story of the role of quilt blocks in the journey north along the Underground Railroad. I had a great time researching this. I was amazed to find out the different codes used to help the slaves escape. Feb 1, 2020 - People have long believed that the symbols used in quilts of the South during slavery were actually used as secret messages for slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad. SweetiePie from Southern California, USA on November 23, 2018: Susan Hazelton (author) from Sunny Florida on July 14, 2018: I love to quilt myself, it's true that it does give beautiful historic stories. Slaves could not read or write; it was illegal to teach a slave to do so. Today, we do this mainly by writing and talking. Centered on an empowering account of enslaved African Americans who ingeniously stitched codes into quilts to signal those seeking freedom in the North toward safe haven, this gratifying story has stirred controversy within the world of quilt scholarship. So, how did the Underground Railroad begin? It was traditional for slaves to leave handmade flower wreaths on the graves. The slaves need to change clothes. The Online Quilt Block Pattern Library. Dorothy Logan in front of her quilt, holding the book The Underground Railroad Sampler. In 1999, Jaqueline Tobin and Raymond G. Dobard published Hidden in Plain View: A Secret Story of Quilts and the Underground Railroad , and the story cycloned through trusted centers of news and knowledge: the New York Times Book Review, NPR, and others. Patterns that reflect pride in our nation and politics are, Abe Lincoln’s Log Cabin, Burgoyne Surrounded, Capital T and Goblet (both temperance quilts), Dolly Madison’s Star, Railroad Crossing, Harrison Rose, President’s Wreath, Columbia, Martha Washington Star, Fifty-Four Forty or Fight, and even a Daniel Boone quilt. The Rose Wreath quilt square sadly was informing the slaves that someone had died on the journey. The home of Levi and Catherine Coffin's home was used for years as a station, or stop along the way to freedom. If the sky wasn’t clear, look for or listen to the geese flying north in the spring.”. To make a quilt secure, people used one or two knots. You have given us beautiful examples of the meanings of quilt designs...The Bow Tie is among my favorites. Adorable example of a sailboat pattern quilt. During the time of the underground railroad, safehouses had to be made so slaves can have a place to stay and get information to know when the "railroad" would come. They carried with them quilts and the stories of an enslaved South. Underground Railroad/Jacob's Ladder Quilt Pattern. The wide woolen stitching lines were roads.”. Tindall hopes her handmade quilts hanging in the Johnson House, a crucial station on the Underground Railroad and now a National Historic Site in Philadelphia, embody the spirit of the house and the presence of those who passed through. Folklife is a digital magazine of music, food, craft, and culture. We tell unforgettable stories about people, ideas, and a wide array of arts and traditions that help us explore where we have come from and where we are going. Such is the case with Kaluli people of Papua New Guinea, who believe the spirits of their dead take up in particular animals, namely pigs and birds. While researching quilts in South Africa, she made the acquaintance of contemporary quilters who have—“lo and behold!”—caught wind of the book and started coding quilts of their own. These quilts were embedded with a kind of code, so that by reading the shapes and motifs sewn into the design, an enslaved person on the run could know the area’s immediate dangers or even where to head next. These symbols were placed onto quilts to help the slaves escape. Thanks for assembling this interesting post. For Tindall, a quilt can be like a prayer. Prior to 1999, the codes were unheard of even to the African American quilting community. She knows how rampant the story of quilt codes has become. According to advocates of the quilt theory, ten quilt patterns were used to direct enslaved people to take particular actions. These Americans migrated to the Midwest from the rural South saying Godspeed! One way that they can do this is by using pictures or symbols. Underground Railroad Quilt Patterns And Meanings. For Tindall, the quilts become vehicles for the voices and footprints of people running for their lives. They matter because we believe them, so, naturally, and sometimes quickly, they become some of the disparate pieces of the systems that define us. Our conversation stretched to weeks as I sought more detailed information about how they were used. “We had a whole battery of people who were doing those interviews in Michigan, both black and white, and no one heard that story.”. ... QUILT PATTERNS & THEIR MEANINGS Monkey Wrench This meant the slaves were to gather all the tools they might need on the journey to freedom. In recent years, one of the most powerful quilt myths to emerge has centered on the role quilts may have played in the Underground Railroad. “If you’re wondering about our irritation, I think it’s more frustrating that the codes keep getting presented as fact.”. Books that emphasize quilt use. None of these institutions questioned the veracity of Tobin and Dobard’s story; instead, they published book reviews as human-interest pieces, calling it “captivating” and “fascinating,” and the public lapped it up like hard fact. Underground Railroad Quilt Codes Secret messages in the form of quilt patterns aided slaves escaping the bonds of captivity in the Southern states before and during the American Civil War. In the journey these symbols were placed one at a time on a clothesline to! For freedom Quakers in particular were thought to have saved 3,000 slaves themselves could follow the trail bear... From the 19th century new Roman, we tend to just accept it truth. Run away from slavery safely some signs that recommended slaves what should happen wait until if... Tells the slaves escape to weeks as I sought more detailed information about how were. For defending themselves find out the different codes used to direct enslaved people there, ” she says to away! 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